information about Fukushima published in English in Japanese media info publiée en anglais dans la presse japonaise
April 18, 2012 TEPCO says no water leaks found at No.2 reactor
En savoir plusApril 17, 2012 Workers prepare No.4 pool for fuel removal
En savoir plusApril 18, 2012 Robot to inspect No.2 reactor The operator...
En savoir plusApril 16, 2012 Another thermometer at Fukushima No. 2 reactor apparently not working
En savoir plusde [*Ed: This page was updated on 4/5/12 to reflect corrected calculations] Japan’s former Ambassador...
En savoir plusJapan's Nightmare Fight Against Radiation in the Wake of the 3.11 Meltdown 私たちは放射能とどう闘えばよいのか Apr. 01, 2012
En savoir plusNitrogen injection into damaged Fukushima reactors halts for over 2 hrs "(mainichi Japan) April 05, 2012"
En savoir plusApril 5, 2012 Nitrogen injection briefly halts at N-plant Jiji Press
En savoir plusDe Wednesday, March 28, 2012 JNST: "A scenario...
En savoir plusJAXA develops camera that can 'see' radioactive contamination A photograph taken in Iitate, Fukushima Prefecture,...
En savoir plusMarch 29, 2012 "Suddenly" (after 48 hours for the French radio) the western media seem to realise something is...
En savoir plusMarch 28, 2012 Fukushima No. 2 reactor radiation level up to 73 sieverts per hour
En savoir plusMarch 28, 2012 Fukushima reactor water level shallower than thought The Yomiuri Shimbun
En savoir plusI can't read Japanese but you may have this (from the Mainichi Shimbun) It speaks for itself :
En savoir plusMarch 26, 2012 TEPCO: Just 60cm of water in Fukushima reactor
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